Maximum Wasted Effort

Rake That Forest, Smokey! | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #015

Doodle response while watching the California wildfires over the weekend - and then the Washington State and Oregon blazes.

Pencilled it Sunday, had second thoughts publishing it (might be seen as cruel), so I put it in a drawer.

Monday, took a second look, scanned it, second thoughts again, right back in the drawer.

Today, colored it, second thoughts crept in, almost "drawered it"... then saw an actual political cartoonist efforts on the same theme - featuring Smokey and the callback "RAKE".

So, to hell with it, here it is (late as usual).

BONUS BLURB CRAP: This toon features the over-memed parody version on that complacent dog from the webcomic Gunshow. I had originally penned a variant without the dog - instead, I had a callout balloon from someone off-panel.

Winners... And The Orange Loser | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #014

Reactionary doodle to the why-am-I-not-surprised news Trump denigrated those who served and died in the military as "losers", "suckers", and... god-knows what else.

Honor, Courage, Valor "trumps" Selfishness, Ignorance, Cowardice.

James LaPorta, investigative reporter for the Associated Press, talks with Rachel Maddow about his own reporting that confirms some of the episodes described...

MAGA-A-A-A-A-A-A(A) | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #013

Question: how many times must the Trump administration make the country great again?

Well, according to Pence's RNC speech, more than once!

A sliiiightly exaggerating quote, total credit/inspiration for this gag courtesy of Rachel Maddow - envisioning a new line of "MAGA-A-A-A-A!" embroidered Republican swag.

Sung To The Theme Of Batman™ | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #012

Dateline: The Final Night Of The RNC Convention, The Lawn Of The White House, Washington D. C., August 27, 2020

The first thing that sprung to mind when seeing Trump in front of his followers was Homer's "Leader" chant (to the rhythm of Batman's Theme Song) from "The Joy of Sect" (S9-E13):

Wisconsin Cheese: The Muffled Rebuttal | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #011

Here, we pick up Anderson Cooper's interview with former Republican Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker after he (Walker) allegedly turned off his camera while in the middle of tough questions (re: why Republicans were blaming Joe Biden for the civil unrest in his state for Pete's sake?!)...

Update: Walker’s spokesman wrote in an email: “What really happened was the Governor lost audio during the interview and it didn’t come back. He thought the interview was over. A technical snafu that often happens on live TV.”
That's all fine and dandy, but, c’mon, it’s not as funny as having Walker switch off the cam on purpose… so… let’s ignore that last bit.

It's A Miracle (Cure)! | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #010

Praise be to Jebus! A Miracle Cure! Hallelujah!

The Upcoming RNC Lineup Committee | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #009

DNC's virtual convention is done - by most accounts, a critical success - now, we take you into Trump's "Executive Time" room where a dialog as to RNC's lineup is underway:

Scribble Me Sideways! | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #008

Yes... more scribbles. Sorry.

Clockwise, from top-left: a cheap political shot at Trump, and a very topical message on the blatant gutting of the USPS; USPS trucks will most likely be the next casualty in the Postmaster general's "budget cuts"; our tethered space cadets abandon ship after discovering a stowaway space spider; and, to fill out the page, more and more communities take notice their beloved USPS drop boxes are missing.

More Mindless Mess | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #007

Yet another Scribble-dee-doo-dah Day.

Clockwise, from top-left: space cadets foot patrolling it on an untamed alien surface; drew this while watching Trump at his N.J. Bedminster golf course as he declared - yet again - "the virus will disappear" in front of a supportive covid-19-ignorant rich bastard audience (golf clubs/bags represents said audience); Don Vader "enlightens" Capt. Needa the need to be less incompetent; and our space cadets run into some trouble with marauding space mollusks.

Have Page Will Fill | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #006

Another Scribble-dee-doo-dah Day.

Clockwise, from top-left: space cadets scale alien planet cliff face; Trump visits Florida in the middle of a raging pandemic... and a friggin' hurricane; nobody likes Trump because, apparently, people keep dying; and we go back almost 20 years to figure out how we got into this whole mess in the first place (the answer will shock you!).

By Popular Demand: Page Fillers | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #005

Waiting for a guy to come 'round and fix a leaky roof... and waiting... and waiting... gave me time to scribble out more nonsense.

Clockwise, from top-left: every now and then, a guilty pleasure of mine is to play old episodes of the discontinued podcast "Serving Donuts"; sunny Acapulco with bonus kraken assault; some citizenry from Farmyard Heights; Buddy, the dog; and Bat-Person.

Sunday Boredom | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #004

Oh dear! Another scribble-dee-doo-dah to fill the emptiness of my Sunday afternoon.

Clockwise, from top-left: space cadets on mission; crazy hairdo lady (page filler); nobody tells horse head mask wearin' guy to wear a mask; horse head mask extra; Beardo and the Beard Bear.

More Couch Potato Doodling | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #003

Time for another scribble-dee-doo-dah session in front of the TV on another frosty Friday morn' (with pancakes!!!).

Clockwise, from left: Brick Tamland cheats on lamp; Governor Kemp knowing what's best for his state; random space cadets and 1-spatula general; aaand, as always, one clueless Trump.

You Gotta Have Faith (That Nobody Screws Things Up!)

A simple Post-It Note scribble-dee-doo-dah sent to a work colleague who’d alerted me she’d been tasked in transmitting vital production art out to the factory offshore.

I could’ve replied with a traditional “Yep, sounds fine. Do that!”. But I took 4 minutes out of my “busy” schedule to quickly do this self-caricature and emailed that instead.

I’m quite certain THIS doodle ain’t worthy enough for a blog post - when I draw things and send ‘em out, my normal procedure is to trash the originals (and whatever JPEGS derived from the originals) without even blinking… however, I promised myself this year - either because of vanity or procrastination - to document EVERY doodle I do, no matter how meaningless and/or stupid they are.

Häppy Fremdschämen | Another Mrs. Berry Birthday Doodle

Ahh, it’s that time of year I draw up a special German-themed birthday doodle for my favorite mom (of my fan/friend in New Jersey)(#adoptedmominnutley), continuing on with the in-joke previously mentioned here.

This time, the painfully German traditionalistic eccentricities of this one are coupled with the whole Covid-19 brouhaha we’re all in together at this time.

I ran out of those nifty slip-on PPE things you put on my feet… so I had to make do with discarded Wonder Bread bags.

Kitty With Bag On Head

This painting was inspired by a YouTube video (via facebook) of a kitty with a chip bag stuck on its head.

“Kitty Rampant In A Field Of Flowers Chasing A Butterfly With A Baggy On Its Head” (c.2010)

The original painting’s aspect ratio was more-or-less square-ish. I extended the canvas’ width a few years later, adding more background: flower fields; clouds; sky.

The kitty portrayed in the painting, and butterfly chase, was inspired by the kitty I animated in the “award-winning” FlipBook movie short, “The Clyde”.

(BTW: that Clyde animation was made on a 2G iPhone - drawn frame-by-frame.)

Occupied French Vanilla, Oreos and Citrus Surprises | Another Mrs. Berry Birthday Doodle

Once a year, I take up a pencil and draw up something speeshülly Germanian for the mother of my fan/friend in Nutley, NJ. To understand WHY I do this, it’s briefly explained it here.

Originally doodled May 18, 2013.

Happy Dreikäsehoch! | Another Mrs. Berry Birthday Doodle

Every May, going back to 2010, I cobble together a German-themed birthday illo for the mother of my fan/friend in New Jersey. Nope, they’re not German — but, they did take me to a German-themed restaurant in Hoboken for Mrs. Berry’s birthday get-together in 2009.

And that’s the (in)joke. Ahh, I guess you had to be there.

If you were wondering, “Happy Dreikäsehoch” translates to Three Cheese High.

Cheese has nothing to do with anything with relation to the person, the day, or the theme… I just needed a long, complicated, funny-sounding German-ish word (“Dreikäsehoch”) and this one fit the bill.

That’s supposed to be me (Bort) on the left. The sentient purple plush critter on the right is "Trunko”, an Ugly Dolls character I picked up at FAO Schwarz with Mrs. Berry in 2011… but I digress…

At left: this is the illustration without the “Happy Dreikäsehoch” titles. Yes, that’s THREE cheese slabs stacked in the background (re:translation).