
Rake That Forest, Smokey! | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #015

Doodle response while watching the California wildfires over the weekend - and then the Washington State and Oregon blazes.

Pencilled it Sunday, had second thoughts publishing it (might be seen as cruel), so I put it in a drawer.

Monday, took a second look, scanned it, second thoughts again, right back in the drawer.

Today, colored it, second thoughts crept in, almost "drawered it"... then saw an actual political cartoonist efforts on the same theme - featuring Smokey and the callback "RAKE".

So, to hell with it, here it is (late as usual).

BONUS BLURB CRAP: This toon features the over-memed parody version on that complacent dog from the webcomic Gunshow. I had originally penned a variant without the dog - instead, I had a callout balloon from someone off-panel.