
Verdammt! Jetzt Geht Das Schon Wieder Los! | Another Mrs. Berry Birthday Doodle

Deutsches Kauderwelsch mit dem Wort "Geburtstag", das geschickt in diesen unsinnigen Haufen von Wörtern und Buchstaben und so weiter eingefügt wurde.

Es ist ein weiteres Geburtstagskritzel im deutschen Stil* für Nutley (N.J.)s Mutter Nr. 1.

(*Der zuvor erläuterte Insider-Witz ist hier zu sehen.)

Happy "Lieber Gott! Nicht noch ein Inane Geburtstag Doodle!" Tag | Another Mrs. Berry Birthday Doodle

It's another German-themed* birthday doodle for Nutley(N.J.)'s #1 mom.

(* the previously-explained in-joke can be seen here.)

Häppy Fremdschämen | Another Mrs. Berry Birthday Doodle

Ahh, it’s that time of year I draw up a special German-themed birthday doodle for my favorite mom (of my fan/friend in New Jersey)(#adoptedmominnutley), continuing on with the in-joke previously mentioned here.

This time, the painfully German traditionalistic eccentricities of this one are coupled with the whole Covid-19 brouhaha we’re all in together at this time.

I ran out of those nifty slip-on PPE things you put on my feet… so I had to make do with discarded Wonder Bread bags.

Everything's Coming Up Trunko! | Just Another No-Nothing Blog Post

A day out in NYC and a stop off at F.A.O. Schwarz back in 2011 was when I picked up this little purple guy.

His name is Trunko - just one of the characters from the Uglydoll brand. Now, I’m no impulse buyer, but Trunko met all the criteria for all my plush doll purchases:

  • He was small;

  • He was purple;

  • He was on sale!!!

Plus, because Uglydoll was doing a special U.S. Open promotion thingy, Trunko’s left arm “resembles” a tennis racket.

Afterwards, when I returned back to work in Australia, I decided I needed a useless, stupid gimmick… even if it was as simple as Trunko poking out from my carry bag.

Every morning and midday, 5 days a week, for 6 months, Trunko and I would have a large mocaccino (with soy, hold the sugar) at a nearby café.

Eventually, they honored the li’l purple racket-appendaged critter with his own “branded” beverage.

He even appeared in some of his own character-driven paintings - see below.

In this piece, I got in early to work one morning (c.late 2011) and, for no reason, just painted a close-up study of Trunko. At the time, I really just needed an excuse to be creative and then post said creative to facebook. Because I crave attention. But I don’t. But, yes, I do. But, seriously, nope. Nope. Nope.

And below was inspired by my routine mocaccino runs with Trunko… again, painted before another workday commenced.

Nowadays, Trunko only appears sporadically in my creative stuff - slight cameos and such. In the physical reality, he’s retired from café-hopping with me and now sits at my desk in my home office.

And Now You Know!

Occupied French Vanilla, Oreos and Citrus Surprises | Another Mrs. Berry Birthday Doodle

Once a year, I take up a pencil and draw up something speeshülly Germanian for the mother of my fan/friend in Nutley, NJ. To understand WHY I do this, it’s briefly explained it here.

Originally doodled May 18, 2013.

Happy Dreikäsehoch! | Another Mrs. Berry Birthday Doodle

Every May, going back to 2010, I cobble together a German-themed birthday illo for the mother of my fan/friend in New Jersey. Nope, they’re not German — but, they did take me to a German-themed restaurant in Hoboken for Mrs. Berry’s birthday get-together in 2009.

And that’s the (in)joke. Ahh, I guess you had to be there.

If you were wondering, “Happy Dreikäsehoch” translates to Three Cheese High.

Cheese has nothing to do with anything with relation to the person, the day, or the theme… I just needed a long, complicated, funny-sounding German-ish word (“Dreikäsehoch”) and this one fit the bill.

That’s supposed to be me (Bort) on the left. The sentient purple plush critter on the right is "Trunko”, an Ugly Dolls character I picked up at FAO Schwarz with Mrs. Berry in 2011… but I digress…

At left: this is the illustration without the “Happy Dreikäsehoch” titles. Yes, that’s THREE cheese slabs stacked in the background (re:translation).