Cartoony Calendar Capers

Bear In Mind It's A Birthday Doodle | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #056

A morning Birthday doodle for a resilient designer I used to work with during the, what I call, Classic Bauhaus days.

Oh, and the whole bear + honey + bees thing?

I started off sketching a crude-looking muffin… somehow, a grizzly bear took shape and, well, I couldn’t stop wherever my pencil was taking me.

"Insert Heartfelt Musings Here" | A Happy BortyBlog Valentines

I’m at a loss for passionate words for you at the moment, so here’s a heart-shaped valentines thing I’m gonna thrust all the way up in your face! Enjoy!

Acquittal Was Always Gonna Happen; The Break Up Was A Complete Surprise | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #045

Bad News: Trump's off the hook. Again.

Good News: It's a fresh start for Polly.

Evolution: What A Weird, Funny Thing It Is | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #043

When Calendar Events Collide | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #042

In hindsight, it might've been prudent to check the week's calendar prior to the company shutting off the water for maintenance... alas...

Happy Birthday, Sis! | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #037.5

Presenting a wrapped "mystery" gift tied in a bow, a pizza slice embedded in a generous splattering of purple frosting, age-denying amount of candles, and a handy Pepto Bismol bottle for later...

Happy Birthday, sis!

Crazy Clown Car Of A Year Has Passed - Bring In The New Guy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #033.5

From my facebook feed on January 1st, the following meme showed up:

And so, I responded with a comment (below):

Twenty Twenty, Please Please PLEASE Let Me Forgetty | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #033

A final good riddance send-off to 2020...


An ode to Chuck Jones’ 1943 “Wackikii Wabbit” animated short.

Clyde, The Kitty Patriot | Another July 4th Toon Tribute

O ! say, can you see!!! Happy July 4th!

As a token of this special day, I present to you Uncle Sam in kitty form - portrayed by Clyde Michael.

Originally painted back in 2009 for my fan/friend in NJ - Clyde is her kitty cat afterall.

Around 2012, to pad out my illustration folio (being unemployed is a bitch; working for scraps as a freelancer is a “whoer”), I went back and tinkered with the original painting by extending the canvas and adding draped flags & floor.

Occupied French Vanilla, Oreos and Citrus Surprises | Another Mrs. Berry Birthday Doodle

Once a year, I take up a pencil and draw up something speeshülly Germanian for the mother of my fan/friend in Nutley, NJ. To understand WHY I do this, it’s briefly explained it here.

Originally doodled May 18, 2013.

Happy Dreikäsehoch! | Another Mrs. Berry Birthday Doodle

Every May, going back to 2010, I cobble together a German-themed birthday illo for the mother of my fan/friend in New Jersey. Nope, they’re not German — but, they did take me to a German-themed restaurant in Hoboken for Mrs. Berry’s birthday get-together in 2009.

And that’s the (in)joke. Ahh, I guess you had to be there.

If you were wondering, “Happy Dreikäsehoch” translates to Three Cheese High.

Cheese has nothing to do with anything with relation to the person, the day, or the theme… I just needed a long, complicated, funny-sounding German-ish word (“Dreikäsehoch”) and this one fit the bill.

That’s supposed to be me (Bort) on the left. The sentient purple plush critter on the right is "Trunko”, an Ugly Dolls character I picked up at FAO Schwarz with Mrs. Berry in 2011… but I digress…

At left: this is the illustration without the “Happy Dreikäsehoch” titles. Yes, that’s THREE cheese slabs stacked in the background (re:translation).