
Bear In Mind It's A Birthday Doodle | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #056

A morning Birthday doodle for a resilient designer I used to work with during the, what I call, Classic Bauhaus days.

Oh, and the whole bear + honey + bees thing?

I started off sketching a crude-looking muffin… somehow, a grizzly bear took shape and, well, I couldn’t stop wherever my pencil was taking me.

Sunday Boredom | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #004

Oh dear! Another scribble-dee-doo-dah to fill the emptiness of my Sunday afternoon.

Clockwise, from top-left: space cadets on mission; crazy hairdo lady (page filler); nobody tells horse head mask wearin' guy to wear a mask; horse head mask extra; Beardo and the Beard Bear.