
Faux Exuberance At Work

It’s Monday morning.

You arrive at work.

You have in your head a game plan to tackle ongoing job briefs, allocating time and resources to get 'em done.

You're all fired up & ready to go.

Now, go ahead and open your emails.

At the top of the messages list: "Please, Bort, could you do this thing you've already done, but now has to be done again because of some insignificant thing nobody cares about needs to be fixed? Thanks."

Well, that just ruined my morning mojo.

So my response was a parody of annoyance and pain, yet I had to create a portrait of faux exuberance...

You Gotta Have Faith (That Nobody Screws Things Up!)

A simple Post-It Note scribble-dee-doo-dah sent to a work colleague who’d alerted me she’d been tasked in transmitting vital production art out to the factory offshore.

I could’ve replied with a traditional “Yep, sounds fine. Do that!”. But I took 4 minutes out of my “busy” schedule to quickly do this self-caricature and emailed that instead.

I’m quite certain THIS doodle ain’t worthy enough for a blog post - when I draw things and send ‘em out, my normal procedure is to trash the originals (and whatever JPEGS derived from the originals) without even blinking… however, I promised myself this year - either because of vanity or procrastination - to document EVERY doodle I do, no matter how meaningless and/or stupid they are.

Dido vs. Ditto

I sent out an email with the Dr. FuzzyButt's Medical Minute doodle responding to a Flu Vaccinations email from the company where I work.

Received the following feedback:

Email Rejoiner #1: Would you hurry up and go and get an animation job! Amazing work as usual!

Email Rejoiner #2 in response to the above: Yeah... Dido!


According to Webster's Dictionary, did Email Respondent #2 mean I should perform mischievous or capricious acts?


Or did Email Rejoiner #2 actually mean Ditto? Well, no way was I gonna let this slide. So I sent Rejoiner #2 a query, below:

I didn't stop there.

So I sent this:

And then this: