Maximum Wasted Effort

Featuring Curley (sans Moe & Larry) | Caricature Corner 06

A requested caricature of a work colleague’s ol’ man for Father’s Day.

Yeah… in Australia, this day is celebrated in September… because we’re just darn “special”… click here for more useless info about that.

Things to know about this guy, which are evident in the final comp: he drives a John Deere tractor; harvests wheat; is always covered in a film of dirt after a hard days work; and loves ice cream.

And don’t let the title of this post fool you - this fellow has nothing to do with The Three Stooges… except for his nickname: “Curley”.

Reference images for “Curley”: honestly, I thought these were three separate people!

Why is Father's Day a different date in Australia?

There's no succinct and confirmed reason as to why Father's Day in Australia is different from the US and UL, however, the common theory is that when the Australians decided to adopt it, they chose not to wait a year to celebrate. Instead, the day was simply inserted in later in the calendar, and in a similar season.

Beware of Manic Deletion-Of-Crucial-Files Guy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #059

A doodle in response to an email alerting me of some new Stranger Things 4 assets added to work’s style guide drive… here, I’m depicting my inner screwball demons ready to inconvenience my colleagues by taunting to delete said files.

Why? Because I can. Quite easily, in fact!

Tonight At Chuckle, The Hutt | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #058

This laughin’ out loud Chewbacca bust is a full-on scaled-up version of a Post-it Note doodle that’s been stuck to my iMac at work for almost 4 years.

And if you don’t what this piece of garbage is referencing, here’s a clue.

Extreme Light Switch Motivational Coach | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #057

There is a room at work where everybody neglects to turn off the lights… so Boss Man tasked me to draw up one of my cartoony signs to hang in its doorway.

Yup… that’s Mr. Boss Man swingin’ that fist in the air.

Bear In Mind It's A Birthday Doodle | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #056

A morning Birthday doodle for a resilient designer I used to work with during the, what I call, Classic Bauhaus days.

Oh, and the whole bear + honey + bees thing?

I started off sketching a crude-looking muffin… somehow, a grizzly bear took shape and, well, I couldn’t stop wherever my pencil was taking me.

You Got Disco Balls And Moo-Cow-Milk? | Caricature Corner 05

A little something that preoccupied most of my fee time this weekend.

A little overboard with, well, EVERYTHING(!!), but everybody was happy with the end result… except for me, of course (as I hate everything I do).

And all proceeds went to animal welfare, so WIN-WIN!

Happy "Lieber Gott! Nicht noch ein Inane Geburtstag Doodle!" Tag | Another Mrs. Berry Birthday Doodle

It's another German-themed* birthday doodle for Nutley(N.J.)'s #1 mom.

(* the previously-explained in-joke can be seen here.)

The Licensing Designer's 4-Stage Emotional Hellscape | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #054

Featuring parody Pokémon character "PikaPoo."


Loosely penned while striving to fabricate Pokémon-slash-Valentine's Day sleepwear apparel and, in typical BortQ convention, flamed out in the end (with a side order of self-loathing)… as depicted in the above Instagram screengrab.

Hopalong Hunger Games (alternate tile "Put Down That Damn Fork!") | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #053

yyyyyyyyeah... blame your gluttonous compulsions on the Easter Bunny Twins...

Sentient Spiced Baked Good Thanks Team... Then Almost Goes Too Far.

Another fun project, just in time for Easter.

The company's idea: hand out a hot cross bun 6-pack to every worker, with a sticker slapped on top reading copious amounts of appreciative words penned by the head honcho.

"Eugene 'Boss Bun'" - the sentient spiced baked good - was added for a little merriment to the whole thing.

Additionally, and on my own volition, I drew up 3 smaller bonus stickers that were to be slapped on alongside the main sticker.

2 of the 3 supplemental stickers found their way onto the hot cross bun packs... take a guess which of these didn't make the cut.

Calculating The Joys Of Tappa Tappa Tappa!

Quick little weekend doodle as we soon say fare-thee-well to the company's number-crunchin' accountant guy, Ken.

The Heartbreaking Tale Of 8 Box Crayola Boy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #052

Originally doodled up August 29, 2020 as a comment to a Facebook post by TV announcer and donut connoisseur Jim Cutler.

In short, Jim recalls a particular haunting elementary school memory where his coveted box of 8 Crayola color crayons was upstaged by a fellow student Melissa "somebody" with her brand new 64 color box!

There's a whole video about it - well, a segment of (play at 4:09) - the actual video below is more to do with banned Crayola colors:

Rock Care 101 | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #051

The Pet Rock™ - the limited marketing marvel from the mid-70s. No matter the species, it just goes to show, a pet IS FOR LIFE!

Astrophysics, With Sprinkles | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #050

Stephen Hawking, Kip Thorne & Neil deGrasse Tyson might disagree with the scientific findings of Dunkin' Donuts:

iPhone Monster Movie Extravaganza (or "How To Waste A Boring Saturday Afternoon By Rehashing Old Garbage")

Bored Out Of My Brain Mastercrap Theatre presents:

"Something Gelatinous Slimes This Way" (2009).

An über short film I animated on my iPhone 3G back in the heady days of the late 2000s.

I should clarify: the hand drawn frames were composed on the iPhone; the soundtrack and film grains were added quite recently.

The Lady Of The Toaster | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #049

Don't you hate it when you throw in a Pop-Tart, set the toaster to "extra-dark", and then THIS happens?

Hole In The Head Diplomacy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #048

Mama ünd Papa never took the kids seriously when declaring they'd bore a hole through their heads if they DIDN'T go to Disneyland... the resolve of Gertrüde, Heimlich & Hähnchenflügel was not to be underestimated.