
iPhone Monster Movie Extravaganza (or "How To Waste A Boring Saturday Afternoon By Rehashing Old Garbage")

Bored Out Of My Brain Mastercrap Theatre presents:

"Something Gelatinous Slimes This Way" (2009).

An über short film I animated on my iPhone 3G back in the heady days of the late 2000s.

I should clarify: the hand drawn frames were composed on the iPhone; the soundtrack and film grains were added quite recently.

The Lady Of The Toaster | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #049

Don't you hate it when you throw in a Pop-Tart, set the toaster to "extra-dark", and then THIS happens?

Hole In The Head Diplomacy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #048

Mama ünd Papa never took the kids seriously when declaring they'd bore a hole through their heads if they DIDN'T go to Disneyland... the resolve of Gertrüde, Heimlich & Hähnchenflügel was not to be underestimated.