
Who Knew "Ayers Rock" Would Be So Difficult To Spell? | A Starlog Archive Cartoon

Due to unpopular demand - and because I got nuthin' better to do right now - here's yet another gag exhumed after a recent dumpster dive into the Starlog cartoon repository.

Originally published in 1999 - issue #265, pg.18

As Mr. Lucas was adding smears of discarded doggy-doo-doo all over the final print of The Phantom Menace, around late 1998 he announced the remainder of the Star Wars prequels would be filmed in Sydney.

Couple that with a feeble satire of Meryl Streep's haunting line from "A Cry In The Dark"* and you have yourself a published toon, my friend!

* Come to think of it, when drafting the idea out as a rough sketch, I clearly remember "hearing" Seinfeld's Elaine character parodying Streep in a god-awful attempt at an Australian accent: click here to watch.

Fun Trivia Bit

Because I was/am an atrocious speller, I submitted the rough idea to Sir David McDonnell, Esq. and, from his office 10,353 miles away, informed me I'd incorrectly spelt the words on the sign that now reads "AYERS ROCK" -- I phonetically spelt it as "AIRES ROCK".

The Licensing Designer's 4-Stage Emotional Hellscape | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #054

Featuring parody Pokémon character "PikaPoo."


Loosely penned while striving to fabricate Pokémon-slash-Valentine's Day sleepwear apparel and, in typical BortQ convention, flamed out in the end (with a side order of self-loathing)… as depicted in the above Instagram screengrab.

The Bernie. The Mittens. The Meme. The Monty. The Controversy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #039

The Bernie Sanders/Mittens memes… you all know what I’m talking about, right? They’re everywhere! You can’t escape them! Bernie & Mittens are the new Baby Yoda memes (thank God!).

So why not one more? And with kitties?

Why not, indeed.

The below is from Monty’s facebook page. Be warned: the following post is extremely too cute for politically delicate audiences…

See, I told ya’! It sheds of cutesy-pooness!

Now, because the above parody pic features a prominent U.S political iconoclast, it didn’t take long for the way-too-sensitive naysayers (the “stupids” as I now call ‘em) to crawl out of their hiding-behind-anonymity crevices and comment this particular post was POLITICAL.

Political”? I don’t recall Monty’s nor Molly’s names on the electoral ballot - Representatives or Senate. What are these people talking about… … … … … oh, because it features Vermont senator Bernie Sanders.

*cue facepalm*

Before negative comments could stomp all over the likes & hearts and potentially hijack the conversation, Monty’s admin had to make a disclaimer the Bernie/Mittens/Monty/Molly post was a parody. Heck, people! Monty’s people’n’kitties reside in Denmark for criminy’s sake!

As a advocate of everything parody - and to parody the stupids (no offense, stupids) - with legal pad in hand, I responded with the below scribble:

Take that, stupids!

And to the normals, you’re most welcome.

Oh Flora-Bob, You've Done It Again! | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #034

It's Vintage Ad Mockery Time!!!

Panel 1: actual 1955 ad for Borg-Warner Automatic Transmissions, starring half-flower half-man I’m calling "Flora-Bob".

Panel 2: What's good for "Flora-Bob" might not be good for his car.

Exclusive Grumpy Vader Interview | Starlog *FAKE* Cover #41

Originally posted on Facebook’s Starlog Magazine Fan Group page - before banishment - I created this at a time other members were posting fake covers of their own making.

For this one, I’d thought I’d throw a bit of design-ish layout knowledge into this piece, insert parody title callouts of the era (1980), and make it look like it just rolled off the presses.

Below is my original Facebook post:

And below is the ACTUAL Starlog #41 cover, for comparison:

And, if you give a hoot, here’s the ACTUAL artwork used in the fake Starlog #41’s cover: