
The Bernie. The Mittens. The Meme. The Monty. The Controversy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #039

The Bernie Sanders/Mittens memes… you all know what I’m talking about, right? They’re everywhere! You can’t escape them! Bernie & Mittens are the new Baby Yoda memes (thank God!).

So why not one more? And with kitties?

Why not, indeed.

The below is from Monty’s facebook page. Be warned: the following post is extremely too cute for politically delicate audiences…

See, I told ya’! It sheds of cutesy-pooness!

Now, because the above parody pic features a prominent U.S political iconoclast, it didn’t take long for the way-too-sensitive naysayers (the “stupids” as I now call ‘em) to crawl out of their hiding-behind-anonymity crevices and comment this particular post was POLITICAL.

Political”? I don’t recall Monty’s nor Molly’s names on the electoral ballot - Representatives or Senate. What are these people talking about… … … … … oh, because it features Vermont senator Bernie Sanders.

*cue facepalm*

Before negative comments could stomp all over the likes & hearts and potentially hijack the conversation, Monty’s admin had to make a disclaimer the Bernie/Mittens/Monty/Molly post was a parody. Heck, people! Monty’s people’n’kitties reside in Denmark for criminy’s sake!

As a advocate of everything parody - and to parody the stupids (no offense, stupids) - with legal pad in hand, I responded with the below scribble:

Take that, stupids!

And to the normals, you’re most welcome.