Maximum Wasted Effort

T.V. Picture Tubes-A-Plenty | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #029

When you’re in the market for a television nowadays, naturally you want the biggest goddamn screen available - - what’s the standard size nowadays? 120”?

Well, did you know the earliest TV screen was not rectangular, nor any corner-endowed shape, but was ROUND?

No, seriously! There’s actually a reason for it! Click here to learn more.

So, based on the above photo - sourced from ATOMIC LIVING facebook group - I scribbled a toon of pure absurd logic:

File This Under "All This Time I’ve Been Doing It Wrong!" | 001

When playing Monopoly™, why is it EVERY TIME I end up with this Chance card?

Just In The KnickKnack Of Time : An Gag-Worthy Title For A Delightful PIXAR Score

Here's a treat!

Finally! Ifound a very, very, very, VERY hard-to-find short film score by Bobby McFerrin - PIXAR's "KnickKnack" (1989).

To quote from the Rare And Lost Soundtracks Blog website...
"...fresh off his success from this 1988 single "Don't Worry Be Happy," Bobby McFerrin was tapped by Pixar to compose the backing track to their 1989 short KnickKnack. McFerrin did the music for free, citing that doing the project would "be fun." The music for KnickKnack has never been released commercially. However it was released as part of a Bobby McFerrin promotional CD by Bertelsmann Music Group (BMG) in 2004..."

If you love that, here's a 10 hour version:

And here's the actual PIXAR KnickKnack short:

And below is the very quick ArtRage painting used for the track’s avatar on SoundCloud:

Rudy "Wicked Witch Of The West (Wing)" Giuliani | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #028

Quick doodle after seeing Rudy’s hair dye running down on all sides of his face at his completely insane “voter fraud” press conference.

And, for your pleasure, I present The Incredible Melting Giuliani:

Vote By Calorie Count | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #027

Know anyone who hasn't voted? Or won't?

Then share one of these enticing calorie-heavy panels to get them skedaddling to the voting booth.

Covid Count Conspiracy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #026

That's typical of those devious frontline health workers -- always scheming to make a quick covid death buck!


Apex Predators V Cupcakes

Global email at work read (along the lines of) "to celebrate the sports team comprised entirely of Panthera Tigrises (it would seem), please frisky-feast upon the box of cupcakes!".

And my response was……….

Don't Fear The Reaper (toy)!

Tired of developing web sites?

Do you crave procrastinating while open projects need completion?

Is Halloween around the corner?

Are you just a simple mook with a camera phone?

Then creating a piece of crap like this is for you!

"Reach In & Rummage Around" Rudy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #025

Rudy Giuliani - former NY mayor and current Russian "useful idiot" - Trump & Pence (with debate fly) discuss how to handle Giuliani's unfortunate compromising hotel scene in the latest Borat film, already in progress:

Herd Idiocracy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #024

Herd immunity? More like cow cosplayers to the slaughter! Moo!

The Detail's In The Messaging | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #023

A real-time side-by-side dueling presidential town hall on competing networks comparison.

Ruth "Bender" Ginsburg? | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #022

This Sarah Cooper tweety flew by in my Facebook feed while watching - on mute - the Judge Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court hearings today. And here’s my vision of Sarah’s suggestion, complete with R.B.G.’s decorative “dissent” collar:

When Not To Use Your Bigoted Megaphone In Public | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #021

Dr. Rick, world renowned Parenta-Life Coach (Parentology) - yes, THAT Dr. Rick from those Progressive Insurance TV commercials - guides a group of young homeowners with the very real struggle not to turn into their bigoted, science-denying, race-supremacy delusional parents.

For those who're not aware of Dr. Rick’s mockumentary TV spots, take a look below:

Dr. Rick, the world renowned Parenta-Life Coach, opens up about his life, his career and the story behind why he's devoted to the field of Parentology and he...

The Coin-Shooter Economy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #020

GODDAMMIT! I love vintage advertising!

Perusing one of my favorite facebook groups this morning - a group dedicated to the sometimes wacky, sometimes insanely stupid, sometimes DANGEROUS styles, gadgets and doodads advertised in decades past.

And a $1 firearm that SHOOTS quarters at unsuspecting toll baskets?! Yeah, that’s just bananas crazy.

Immediately seeing this post, I grabbed that pad’o’mine, doodled the below & posted in the comments:

Being "Alternative" Healthy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #019

Trump pumped up with a mystery steroid cocktail; Pence with that fly and funky eye; an infected administration collapsing all 'round... it's the 45th's version of GOP utopia!

P.P.E. And The Fear Of Appearing Ignorant | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #018

As the White House NOW scrambles to be Covid-19 preventive friendly…

Cleanup In The Halls Of The Senate! | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #017

Naturally, first reactions learning of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's passing yesterday were shock & sadness. Truthfully, my split-second reaction right after that was "McConnell must be orgasmically over the moon!".

Here, we take you LIVE outside of Senator McConnell's office:

And Thanks For All The Fish! | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #016

Paper towels didn't work for him. So, in lieu of a miraculous vaccine, Trump hands out towels a'la The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.