
Ruth "Bender" Ginsburg? | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #022

This Sarah Cooper tweety flew by in my Facebook feed while watching - on mute - the Judge Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court hearings today. And here’s my vision of Sarah’s suggestion, complete with R.B.G.’s decorative “dissent” collar:

A Bunch Of Ol' Battlestar Galactica Gags | From The Starlog Toon Archives

Behold! Battlestar Galactica toons!

These are, I think, ALL the BSG gags I did for Starlog over the years. there actually may be many more - I can’t recall every gag I did. Anyone having more-than-enough free time can browse every Starlog mag online from 1998 to 2009… please, let me know if you find a BSG-related gag that should belong here.

This post was inspired by a random Battlestar Galactica-referenced facebook post by Jim Cutler (you may recognize his voice over promos from MSNBC, Discovery Channel, et al).

Anyhoo, if your stomach can handle it, please enjoy the following: