W.P.A. Xmas Elves | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #067
Personally, I can’t stand all the brouhaha that gets socially packaged with Xmas: the love; the giving; the goodwill to all genders… and the goddamn decorating!!!
Some non-binary Xmas Elves I drew up to satisfy an over-enthusiastic W.P.A’s vision to dominate this year’s Best Decorated Section at work.
I was cajoled to draw up seven Elves, each one featuring a very basic caricatured face of the W.P.A.s I share a workspace with.
Can you guess which of the below is me?
A Seasons Greetings Message From Grumpy Mall Santa Vader (with meme)
The Darth Fluffybutt Menace
Can Darth Vader impede Darth Fluffybutt's natural tree destroying tendencies and save Christmas at the same time?
Merry Decemberween!!!
A festive farewell doodley-boo emailed to all at work as I depart for my Christmas break.