
And Thanks For All The Fish! | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #016

Paper towels didn't work for him. So, in lieu of a miraculous vaccine, Trump hands out towels a'la The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.

DON'T PANIC! | Starlog *FAKE* Cover #22

This was my SECOND Starlog *fake* cover, originally posted on Facebook’s Starlog Magazine Fan Group page - before banishment. Created at a time when other members were posting fake covers of their own making.

For this installment, I wanted to create something meaningful for Towel Day - an annual celebration on the 25th of May, as a tribute to the late author Douglas Adams (1952-2001) and his pop-cultural masterpiece, The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy saga. Learn a little more from wikipedia here.

To quote my Facebook post:

Unused *fake* cover from Spring 1979...
A flip-of-a-coin editorial decision, the choice was either Moonraker coverage or the 1st anniversary of Hitchhiker.
Ah well.

Painting the HHG2TG-themed artwork was the easy part… the hard part was thinking up cover lines that were (a) funny and (b) shout-outs honoring Douglas Adams’ universe.

Below is my original Facebook post:

And below is the ACTUAL Starlog #22 cover sold at newsstands in 1979, for comparison:

Below is the ACTUAL painting used in the fake Starlog #22’s cover: