
Oh, Yeah... I Forgot I Can Post Things On The Interwebs

Just now realised I haven’t blogged anything since [see blog post below this one]… not that it matters, based on the almost nonexistent site views.

So, I guess it’s time to update no one out there on… whatever.

I’ve been drawing up stuff for work, but not ready to showcase it, at least for another month (or more)… I do have some possible gems found in the archives, might be suitable page fillers for this blog in the coming days.

Whenever I take time off from work, I usually let the company know by email with an embedded doodle in the message. The one time I didn’t do that, my boss enquired “… where’s the doodle?”. I responded with the above doodle.

More Couch Potato Doodling | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #003

Time for another scribble-dee-doo-dah session in front of the TV on another frosty Friday morn' (with pancakes!!!).

Clockwise, from left: Brick Tamland cheats on lamp; Governor Kemp knowing what's best for his state; random space cadets and 1-spatula general; aaand, as always, one clueless Trump.

Kitty With Bag On Head

This painting was inspired by a YouTube video (via facebook) of a kitty with a chip bag stuck on its head.

“Kitty Rampant In A Field Of Flowers Chasing A Butterfly With A Baggy On Its Head” (c.2010)

The original painting’s aspect ratio was more-or-less square-ish. I extended the canvas’ width a few years later, adding more background: flower fields; clouds; sky.

The kitty portrayed in the painting, and butterfly chase, was inspired by the kitty I animated in the “award-winning” FlipBook movie short, “The Clyde”.

(BTW: that Clyde animation was made on a 2G iPhone - drawn frame-by-frame.)

Dr. FuzzyButt's Medical Minute : Cat Breath

Got a fever? Persistent cough? Headache? Twitching Evil Eye? Hmmm… you should really give Dr. FuzzyButt a call. STAT!!!

Doodled this for the eldest sister of my official #1 fan/friend whom shared a pic of her visibly ill daughter with the family’s cat all snuggled up in there, either to (a) provide comfort, or (b) soak up the extra warmth radiating from the patient’s fever.

Dr. FuzzyButt’s Medical Minute : The Cat Breath Cure.