Stretch That Canvas!

"SUPER" Quick Caricature | Caricature Corner 10

A favor for a W.P.A.

The whole Superman™ thing was the W.P.A.’s idea (not certain the subject is a fan of the DC character or not); he likes to cook — with a lot of meat! — hence the Sirloin Knight in the background; loves his booze; and is a video gamer.

And below are the photo refs:

Kitty With Muffin Birthday Doodle

Another semi-super quick no-time-to-plan-out sketchy thing for a sister of a friend in NJ.

A Couple-O-Caricatures | Caricature Corner 09

With little time I have nowadays, it’s rare I can find a small corner of a weekend to scribble up a caricature or two.

Below are two examples of semi-rushed work of varied degrees of rushedness(?).

A wedding anniversary theme for my boss.

A somewhat rushed piece for an ex-W.P.A.

What We Have Here Is A Total Lack Of Respect For The Law! | Caricature Corner 08

The latest in a line of caricature requests from my WPAs (Work Proximity Associates), this time with a distinct Smokey And The Bandit vibe.

And, yes, this father (reference photo below) and kids are haulin' a trunk full of bootlegged Coors beer in his most-beloved Fiat coupe across state lines, with a dusty column of law enforcement posse with Sheriff Buford T. Justice in the vanguard.

Update: And, of course, the client wanted another option - replacing the Sheriff and posse with a lighthouse and a winding road.

The new scenery is supposed to be Aireys Inlet, complete with sea captain-manned lighthouse, hence the pirate parlance signage reading “YARRRreys Inlet”.

She's A Multitasker | Caricature Corner 07

Just another overcast Sunday and ran out of excuses not to finally draw up this caricature for a work colleague’s netball lovin’, t-ball sluggin’, ballet performin’ niece.

Featuring Curley (sans Moe & Larry) | Caricature Corner 06

A requested caricature of a work colleague’s ol’ man for Father’s Day.

Yeah… in Australia, this day is celebrated in September… because we’re just darn “special”… click here for more useless info about that.

Things to know about this guy, which are evident in the final comp: he drives a John Deere tractor; harvests wheat; is always covered in a film of dirt after a hard days work; and loves ice cream.

And don’t let the title of this post fool you - this fellow has nothing to do with The Three Stooges… except for his nickname: “Curley”.

Reference images for “Curley”: honestly, I thought these were three separate people!

Why is Father's Day a different date in Australia?

There's no succinct and confirmed reason as to why Father's Day in Australia is different from the US and UL, however, the common theory is that when the Australians decided to adopt it, they chose not to wait a year to celebrate. Instead, the day was simply inserted in later in the calendar, and in a similar season.

"Insert Heartfelt Musings Here" | A Happy BortyBlog Valentines

I’m at a loss for passionate words for you at the moment, so here’s a heart-shaped valentines thing I’m gonna thrust all the way up in your face! Enjoy!

Color Me Purple

So this self-caricatured mess - illoed circa 2010 - has no actual reason for its existence. I just DID IT!

At the time, I was animating a short 45sec movie and, I guess, I needed a creative distraction and barfed out the below:

Beware The Birthday Banshee!

Originally penned in 2011, the Birthday Banshee creeps up to its victim on the night before his/her birthday, lights the Four Candles of the Birthdayocalypse atop of a clumsily-made baked slab, and eerily stares at said victim… and stares… and stares… and stares some more until he/she wakes up to an extraordinarily exhausted bloodshot (almost comatose) banshee at the foot of the bed - by that time, the long-extinguished candles would’ve burnt off the banshee’s birthday hat and created a new layer of candle wax over the baked slab. Happy Birthday.

Clyde, The Kitty Patriot | Another July 4th Toon Tribute

O ! say, can you see!!! Happy July 4th!

As a token of this special day, I present to you Uncle Sam in kitty form - portrayed by Clyde Michael.

Originally painted back in 2009 for my fan/friend in NJ - Clyde is her kitty cat afterall.

Around 2012, to pad out my illustration folio (being unemployed is a bitch; working for scraps as a freelancer is a “whoer”), I went back and tinkered with the original painting by extending the canvas and adding draped flags & floor.

Kitty Caricature | From The Abandoned Projects Drawer

As part of my mid-to-late-2009 personal deliberation, months after returning from a memorable 10-day expedition to the US (Nutley, NJ, to be exact) and brainstorming ways to make big wads of cash on the side in order to fly back there! I had nothing to sell, no savings, and let’s not forget the 2008/09 financial collapse (and keeping my job was up-in-the-air)… no chance of a sudden lottery win, I’m sure (although, I’d hoped. Boy, did I hope!). So, what am I to do?

Here’s just one loony idea I seriously thought I could master: iPhones were a new thing at that time - why not learn about app development, create an app, make money selling that app, and live high on the hog? Easy, I’m sure. Turns out… NO! IT’S NOT! YOU IDIOT!

I then turned to finding ways to monopolise skills I’d honed over the years… Starlog Magazine had folded (so, cash for my cartoons was out)… somehow, the idea of drawing people’s pets was floated by my fan/friend in NJ (to whom was a veterinary technician).

Long story short, the below painting was THE first Kitty Kature (yes, THAT was I called them)(patent [not]pending).

And here are a couple more. I signed these with my alternate pseudonym “furbawl”.

There are a few more, I’m sure, lurking away in a dusty hard drive somewhere in the closet. I remember drawing up dogs… anyways, I find ‘em, I’ll add them to this post

Kitty With Bag On Head

This painting was inspired by a YouTube video (via facebook) of a kitty with a chip bag stuck on its head.

“Kitty Rampant In A Field Of Flowers Chasing A Butterfly With A Baggy On Its Head” (c.2010)

The original painting’s aspect ratio was more-or-less square-ish. I extended the canvas’ width a few years later, adding more background: flower fields; clouds; sky.

The kitty portrayed in the painting, and butterfly chase, was inspired by the kitty I animated in the “award-winning” FlipBook movie short, “The Clyde”.

(BTW: that Clyde animation was made on a 2G iPhone - drawn frame-by-frame.)